About Us

Davis Housing Print: Summer 2021 Edition

DavisHousing is the largest guide for finding apartments, homes, condos, and duplexes in Davis. Our team manages hundreds of listings and maintains the most up-to-date information by working with property managers and owners to ensure the accuracy and relevance for students, families, and professionals alike.

Our goal is to offer the most complete and up-to-date database of apartments and rental properties in Davis to help potential renters make informed housing decisions in an ever-changing market.

DavisHousing.com and DavisHousing: The Print Edition was founded in 1998, by UC Davis graduates. Each year we publish three editions of DavisHousing: The Print Edition and distribute copies to over 35000 potential renters on campus and throughout the City of Davis.

Davis Housing is headquartered in Davis, CA.